Jun 29Liked by Writer Pilgrim by So Elite

The sun had gone down a while ago, and it was December, so it was cold. Yet neither of us wanted to leave. We had walked all through Hampstead Heath, over parliament hill, out the other side. We just kept going. Main road after main road, till we found ourselves by oicadilly circus. We sat for a while on some steps made of marble that were freezing against the backs of my legs. I was too excited to be cold though.

At first i had been worried when the conversation between us hadn't been continuous. Worried that it meant we lacked common ground, but I quickly realised how comfortable I felt in his presence even in silence. He felt like someone I could just be with. I like that when I asked if his shoes were okay, following a particularly muddy patch on the heath, he didn't reassure or brush it off, he just said 'No.' It felt like a beginning.

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Jun 28Liked by Writer Pilgrim by So Elite

Hush now Spoke the Sunlight

Love dappled light

Straight into my heart

Softening the protective


Treading around each

Heart beat

Softly and golden

Wrapping around

Each fear

Of inner dialogues

Looping around

A single stem

The belief of

What and from

Where did it come

Hush now spoke

The sunlight


And the soft



Another day

Of heart warming

Dawn with the

Day light

And the play

Of emotions

Rushed by

The mornings dawn

Into the night



The sunrises beyond.

Friday June 28 8.55am


The sun had gone down a while ago.

For writers pilgrim by Lucinda Sieger

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