Sep 21Liked by Writer Pilgrim by So Elite

I love everything about her and this post! I sit with her books on my bedside, Slouching Toward Bethlehem and The White Album, like a literary bible, I can open and be inspired. Her Netflix documentary is phenomenal if you haven't seen it yet! Thank you for this beautiful piece!

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Sep 21Liked by Writer Pilgrim by So Elite

It’s called “The Center Will Not Hold” 🤍

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Aw thank you so much! Much appreciated! Wow, you’ve got a little tribute corner at your house. I don’t do Netflix but share the title in case anyone else wants to see it and it’s possible to access it elsewhere. I will check those other titles.

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Sep 21Liked by Writer Pilgrim by So Elite

okay..maybe I'll read Joan Didion at last (no, I havent't yet))

Good essay, thank you 💫

PS the thing with the notebooks....I have them...but I can't read my own handwriting...I know that and if it's a poem-I try to re-write it so it'll be readable somewhat, and still it's hard, especially after some time . If it's something else, written fast..chances are I won't be able to understand it, plain and simple.

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And thank you for your kind words!

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Sep 21Liked by Writer Pilgrim by So Elite


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You know I have that problem too sometimes. And I wonder if the pieces I cannot read and put together are meant to be written down and done with in that way but not require a read later. Just thinking out loud here. Maybe you don’t want them to be re-read…

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Sep 21Liked by Writer Pilgrim by So Elite

I'm not sure as when I wrote extensive notes in university-I definitely needed them to be readable,and as I had good notes many would borrow them and complain about handwriting...but I was younger and understood albeit with some difficulty sometimes..)) With years it deteriorated even more,

Still, it's interesting what you're saying-I had my "interested in graphology" period, quite short one, and yes, that's one of the ways of looking at it.

I don't think it fully applies in this case though- I've just horrid handwriting (it looks ok...from afrar...))

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It's a story to tell right there. If people needed your notes and then complained about handwriting... I don't know they should've taken their own notes. As we get older, I find we all take notes of different things and I always struggled with content of other people's notes at university. They rarely noted down things I found relevant. Sometimes yes, but often it was the bits that were not written down that I wanted. And as we get older, the less we take notes because everything is digital now. People record on their phone or type on it so we lose that skill of writing and note taking. Don't be too hard on yourself with the handwriting though. It is what it is. Thank you for sharing all this. It really gives food for thought and makes me evaluate my own handwriting now.

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Sep 21Liked by Writer Pilgrim by So Elite

I have the same problem, Chen.

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You're not alone in this Paul.

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8 hrs agoLiked by Writer Pilgrim by So Elite

I rarely use notebooks anymore, but I have a NOTEBOOK file on my desktop PC that I add to almost every day.

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And how else do you use it apart from adding things to it? Do you take stuff and build upon for your poems or other writing? That’s a great way to have all you notes in one place as it’s easier to find if you wanted to do a search.

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7 hrs agoLiked by Writer Pilgrim by So Elite

Exactly, SE. I add to the file almost every day and I also review regularly to “discover” new possibilities. I also use the Notes application on my phone to sketch out ideas and those also get transferred to the Notebook file. The file itself is backed up on an external drive so I always have a copy of what’s there.

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That’s what I call organisation! Impressive! Thank you!

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It’s a beautiful book isn’t it?!

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You’ve read it too?

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About 2 years ago I attempted to read everything she’d written 🤭

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And how is that coming along? I totally get why you’d want to do that btw.

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Read most - but other things come up. I’m teaching my daughter A Level Lit at the moment - that’s added to my book weight. 🤣 There is just so much out there - even when I have two or three on the go. I don’t think I’ll ever get through everything I want to read! As Plath once said - “I can never read all the books I want; I can never be all the people I want and live all the lives I want. I can never train myself in all the skills I want…”

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Plath is right... but it's a dangerous route to think of this as being incomplete. Or maybe she didn't. It's great to have things to aspire to or else we're standing still. RESPECT for teaching your daughter. But imagine having read everything you want to read. Then what?!

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🤭 Imagine… though I don’t think it’s possible. New books are released all of the time, conversations on here lead to new authors and a wealth of new material. X

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“A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies. The man who never reads lives only one.” — George R.R. Martin

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This is very philosophical. What a great quote thank you Gloria!

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Sep 21Liked by Writer Pilgrim by So Elite

The southern USA in 70s was still aflame in racial tension, but the states accepted Cubans in Miami and the military trained Vietnamese pilots for the unpopular war. A volatile time. Have a scrap piece of paper, writing on a napkin or a scribble in a spiral binder served a reminder of events and to make some sense of your own life. Maybe not at th time but in reference to hindsight to see the errors of our ways.

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Definitely spot on. Old notes really get you to where you were that moment in time, in case you've forgotten. Thank you Richard,

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23 hrs agoLiked by Writer Pilgrim by So Elite

I used to write in notebooks all the time, I should start again. Joan is awesome.

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What made you stop?

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2 hrs agoLiked by Writer Pilgrim by So Elite

I never stopped, I started typing them into my laptop, and I also make notes on my phone. I should get back to pen on paper, it's healthier.

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I agree, it’s a better option for many reasons that I can’t explain. It’s just better even though it takes more time writing on paper is a little special.

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I loved The Year of Magical Thinking, but some of her other books, not so much. More so for the subject matter, she is a great writer, and I totally appreciate that. My book reading has gone downhill, i find it hard to sit and concentrate lately and there are piles and piles of books everywhere saying read me. Great post Pilgrim. Notebooks are so important. I have stacks of those too, that I am weeding through looking for little gems to develop.

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Yes, those piles of books are everywhere. I hear you! This lack of reading is a bummer. But if you're not able to concentrate, it's fine to have a break too. Thank you for your kind words as always I appreciate you!

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Sep 21Liked by Writer Pilgrim by So Elite

Great food for thought. THANKS!

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Glad you got here and read it. Thank you Rick!

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