Last month a prompt was the word Cardigan. It appeared in a song by a famous singer songwriter. I took the word and remembered the band The Cardigans, fronted by the lovely Nina Persson. I remember seeing the Cardigans back in the day when they were starting out. They were a huge hit in Japan, before Europe and America picked up on their music.
So I took a bunch of song titles and wrote a poem. It started with the a song I could remember first and you can read that poem and some of the comments here on my publication.
I would not even know if this is a copyright issue as the lines are all quotes from titles. We all like our music and we have different tastes in music.
Let’s dedicate the month of May to write poems about favourite bands by using song titles only. My understanding is we can use song titles, don’t change them in anyway and don’t talk badly about the band/song if you wish to stay out of trouble.
Each day in May will have a letter assigned. So, in alphabetical order, get started with a band or singer with A.
When all is said and done
Why did it have to be me
I have a dream
The winner takes it all
If it wasn’t for the nights
Under Attack,
Super Trouper
Take a chance on me
Ring ring
Slipping through my fingers
On and on and on
Money, money, money
The name of the game?
Lay all your love on me
Eagle, Angel Eyes
Dancing queen
Gimme gimme gimme
"You need to FACE facts. That ANGEL is never gonna WALK THIS WAY again. She's gone. And to be honest, it's NO SURPRISE."
"I'm CRYIN' here, you could have a little sympathy."
"GET A GRIP. We need to get you BACK IN THE SADDLE. Let's FLY AWAY FROM HERE. I know a bar where the girls are CRAZY. Lots of FLESH on display. OH YEAH. You GOTTA LOVE IT."
"Watch it. Or it'll be MY FIST YOUR FACE."
"I guess we could have one drink. We could even MAKE IT two. It would be nice to meet SOMEBODY again."
"Exactly, and with any luck, neither of us will be alone when we head HOME TONIGHT..." 😎