Jun 20Liked by Writer Pilgrim by So Elite

Be the best you can be, they told me.

Always strive for more, they said.

Keep pushing. Keep gaining. Don't settle for anything.

Don't be satisfied. Don't lose ambition.

I was so busy striving.

So busy pushing and gaining,

It took me too long to realise,

they never told me what I should be striving for.

Or what I should be gaining.

Grab that promotion. Ask for more money.

Step on that person's head whilst you're getting there.

What if I was not meant to be an apex predator?

What if CEO was not my path?

You must have ambition, people tell me.

I do. But my kind of ambition does not count.

What if I wasn't meant to forfeit my sane and my soul to the city.

What if I was meant to be really good at talking to people?

What if this was the best I had to offer?

And what if it was wonderful?

Use up my magic, take what I offer,

Then tell me it isn't enough and I should do more?

What if I just played a different game?

What if I knew something, you did not?

Perhaps I scare you? Is that why?

You have been ignoring me,

I was always here and you always saw me.

You just didn't know how to love a thing like me.

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I love how you steered off the prompt, brought it back and flew off again to create this. So many punches and you raise above each hit. Lots of great lines but the meaning in this is a powerful one.

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Jun 17Liked by Writer Pilgrim by So Elite

Once Upon a time

There was a young girl

She dreamt and she wished

Not realising

One simple thing

To love herself was so


From there she could do


She wanted a life

That she did not know

And from inside out

She would

slowly grow

A story begins

At any point in

The chapter can change

From inside


People come , places go

And a moral of a life

Begins to grow

A map is lost , inside

From time

That over and over and over again

Is the map of a path

From you to you

This little girl followed

And never knew

She was reaching for stars


They already


Her inner light

Had been hurt and hidden

Until the moment

She laid bare

Her feelings and fears

Her troubles too

Where placed side by side

With her positive YOU.

You mean ME?

I’m the star

That lights up

The lives of


Who passes through

Each of my days

My purpose is clear

To be so good

My best self

Live , let go

Stand out

And let my star

Shine through.

Monday 17th June prompt. Photo prompt: Be so Good they can’t ignore you.

For writers pilgrim workshop by Lucinda Sieger time 10:25am

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