
1). Edit tips. How do you edit, rewrite drafts and work on your upgrading your piece? Share your best tips.

Edit only happens after the piece is finished. Not before.

2). When do you write?

Anytime, but ideally every day. I try to get some writing every morning. Otherwise, other things get in the way.

3). Now that you’re a writer, what myth or wrong perception on writing have you re evaluated? Why?

Literally anyone can be a writer. It's true!

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May 9·edited May 10Liked by Writer Pilgrim by So Elite

1. When I edit I experiment mostly with word choice or trying out something I saw from other writers that really inspired me. Sometimes I play with the 'past versions' feature to see which one I'm satisfied with.

2. I write in-between my publishing days. Sometimes on the days I publish just to make sure I have something in the oven for moment it's time to publish. Like to keep few drafts in rotation but that gets difficult if I'm not reading much since then nothing is inspiring me or getting me ideas for my notebook.

3. A myth that I re evaluated that all great writers start out great and amazing. Everyone starts at different places and levels in what they're good at, so it's useless to be intimidated by the greats as they got better at continuously writing and taking into consideration feedback and that's doable for everyone.

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Going over past versions is a confusing process and you can easily get bogged down by details and lose the story in my opinion. It's great writing a few different things as you say to not just have one story/poem because some times you simply have to write a different thing. I get that 100%. Love the last point you make. Different starting points and no intimidation! Thank you for these amazing tips Daniel.

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May 10Liked by Writer Pilgrim by So Elite

I always keeps past versions - sometimes new things come out that take me to a new direction. And I do like to go through my old notebooks from time to time. As you move on you see things differently and you can work with stuff you couldn't before.

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May 9·edited May 9Liked by Writer Pilgrim by So Elite

Number 3 is absolutely right. Part of good writing is, of course, having a natural aptitude for it, but it is still a skill that needs to be developed like anything else. In the same way that gifted sports people still have to train for hours a day to keep their abilities sharp. They don't just turn up to an event and suddenly start perfoming at a world class level. It takes time and dedication. And yes, a lot of the greats have honed their craft over many years and many books. Often the first thing we see from them is not the first thing they wrote, because they discarded many things before that until they got things right and found their voice... 😎

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May 10Liked by Writer Pilgrim by So Elite

I agree, Chris. Writing is a process, a long meandering journey, and good writing comes after many miles.

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May 10Liked by Writer Pilgrim by So Elite

That is a lovely way of putting it... 😎

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May 10Liked by Writer Pilgrim by So Elite

Your number 3, Daniel, should be printed and handed out to everyone who is just starting with writing.

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May 9Liked by Writer Pilgrim by So Elite

As for questions:

1. No real tips. Since I am doing it on my own, I just do what feels okay.

2. No special time, but preferably when my cats are asleep for obvious reasons.

3. Couldn’t say really. Perhaps it’s being relatively new.

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I love how the cats are so active that it stops you from writing!

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May 9Liked by Writer Pilgrim by So Elite

It’s daily cat circus 🙄

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Hahahahahaha how come?

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May 9Liked by Writer Pilgrim by So Elite

It’s a daily (early morning) chase across the room, through or across the cat tunnel and zooming to the loft and back. Blinds flying 🙄

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I saw a nice tip from @Tom Cox about having a cat when you write so they can give you that look and make you feel like you are not doing it right. Something along those lines. He often posts pictures of his cat.

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May 9Liked by Writer Pilgrim by So Elite

I tend to follow the Gordon Lish style of editing, where the aim is to try and get things trimmed down so they are as tight as possible. This often means cutting up to a third from the orignal draft. Which sounds extreme, but it can work wonders!

I mainly write in the evenings and at night. Often around 1am or so. It's much quieter and peaceful then and the conditions are much more conducive to creativity... 😎

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Well, one has to cut out a lot when editing that's for sure. Not heard of Gordon Lish style. Thank you for this one!

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May 9Liked by Writer Pilgrim by So Elite

Yes, he's a very famous Editor whose techniques were a big part of the success of a lot of well known authors. He was also known for his absolutely brutal Writing Workshops where he would have people in tears with his scathing critiques. And people would give absolutely everything to their writing just to win a few words of praise from him, and when they got them it was heaven, because it meant you were truly onto something very special. It was all very extreme, but he got results! 😎

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Oh dear!

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May 9Liked by Writer Pilgrim by So Elite

He was a bit like an early Simon Cowell, I suppose! Haha. But yes, those are the sort of techniques they use when training Olympic athletes, or even the military. Where you have to keep pushing them harder and harder, almost beyond limits, to be the absolute best they can be. I don't agree with going that far with it to train writers, but his editing techniques, as I say, are superb and pretty much the pinnacle of what editing should be... 😎

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Well, Simon Cowell, say no more. How much is true how much fiction. But military training! They say write like an author, edit like a reader!

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May 9Liked by Writer Pilgrim by So Elite

1. I always start writing longhand. I then type this and from file_001 I can go up to file_015 (I have gone even further than that) ... In every new version, I cut something out and tweak a word or two, until I reach a point where I am stuck. And then I close all the files and go on with my day. Or at least I stay away for a few hours. Edit is an audio-visual process. Mostly because I write poetry, I read aloud. And that helps a lot when it comes to altering things. The hard part is to get rid of the sections that don't really fit, but are just "nicely constructed" - I can get too attached to them, but I'm learning to say goodbye and move on.

2. I usually write in the morning, but for some strange reason I cannot explain, certain phrases come to me late at night; when I'm tired and have my last smoke alone in the dark (yes I still do that... despicable me :) or right before I go to sleep. I always have a small notebook on my nightstand where I write these fragmented thoughts.

3. The myth of "The Writer" no longer intimidates me. Writing can be intimidating at times, but it is also a way of being. It is the simple act of pouring out your soul using letters and words. And I like being someone who does just that. I am no longer afraid of being a writer. Isn't that something?

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I am so glad you are here! Grateful for this! So so grateful. Thank you for sharing Fotini and hope to see more of you here when you can. No pressure. This is gold what you shared!

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May 10Liked by Writer Pilgrim by So Elite

Now that I have found you, I am not going anywhere :)

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I often still write longhand, too! And then I type things up later. I think you can just feel the words more when you use a pen and paper. You can see them forming in front of you and dancing across the page. It has a magical quality to it that you just can't capture with a keyboard and a screen. Although, I do write directly on the laptop as well sometimes. Especially if it's very late. As my handwriting is sure to get too sloppy at that point and I know I'll probably struggle to read it again! 😎

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May 10Liked by Writer Pilgrim by So Elite

Yeah, it's kind of a meditative state that keeps things flowing. Deciphering the scribbles afterwards though, is a hard thing to do :)

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May 10Liked by Writer Pilgrim by So Elite

That is the trouble, yes. 'Chicken Scratch', they used to call it. And I've got notebooks and scraps of paper full of it, where I've been jotting things down in a rush! Haha... 😎

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May 9Liked by Writer Pilgrim by So Elite

Hello all! I don’t think I’ll make it this week. I have a bit of a grumpy back. I’m in line for some meds. Hope you’re all well, and I will do my best to check out all the great comments later!

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Take care and hope you feel better soon! Been enjoying your writing this week Rod!

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May 9Liked by Writer Pilgrim by So Elite

Thanks, Pilgrim. I really appreciate that!

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May 9Liked by Writer Pilgrim by So Elite

Take care, Rod 🙏💙

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May 9Liked by Writer Pilgrim by So Elite

Thank you, Joyce. :)

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May 9Liked by Writer Pilgrim by So Elite

Sorry to hear that Rod. I know exactly what that's like, as I've had a lot of back trouble myself. Hope you feel better soon... 😎

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May 9Liked by Writer Pilgrim by So Elite

Thanks, Chris. It's improving. They gave me just what I needed.

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May 9Liked by Writer Pilgrim by So Elite

Is it me or is there some kind of twitter-like vibe going around on substack? I’ve seen some comments today that wouldn’t have been amiss on other social media

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May 9Liked by Writer Pilgrim by So Elite

Notes is going that way, for sure. This is why I'm taking things in a completely different direction on there and just trying to run it as a fun writing magazine! 😎

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May 9Liked by Writer Pilgrim by So Elite

So it’s not just me.

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May 9Liked by Writer Pilgrim by So Elite

I think we all can see where this is going...

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Been beating my own drum and missed the ... whatever you're talking about.

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May 9Liked by Writer Pilgrim by So Elite

It's something I've noticed on Notes. Had to unplug for a bit because it's becoming a bit indistinguishable from twitter, which I guess is the point of Notes, a sort of instagram/twitter for subsatckers.

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What have I missed?

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May 9Liked by Writer Pilgrim by So Elite

Just adding my two cents...

1. I usually start in Word. Write the draft over a period of time. Read, edit. Put away. Read, edit. Wait, again. Read, edit. Review spelling and grammar with grammar lyrics. Upload to Substack. Add photos, links, seo, etc. Read, final review.

But sometimes, off the top of the head posts go directly in Substack and have less editing. Depends.

2. I tend to write in the evenings when my husband is out. Editing and selecting photos can be done anytime.

3. People say everyone can write. Yes, and no. Finding the right words to express what's in your head is hard work.

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Always a pleasure to see you Sunhats! Thank you for dropping in and sharing our advice. Expressing with words what we want to say is hard work. Then again the more we keep writing the easier it gets. Like cooking... or shall I say skiing? hahahaha Maybe not skiing. Writing happens definitely easier when no one is around to distract you!

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May 10Liked by Writer Pilgrim by So Elite

Yes, I think part of the "secret" is making the time to get into the right writing frame of mind.

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May 9Liked by Writer Pilgrim by So Elite

Yes! That is exactly the right thing to do. Write it, then leave it alone for a while, so you can come back to it with fresh eyes and see things you didn't see before... 😎

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May 9Liked by Writer Pilgrim by So Elite

I'm not going to be able to make it either. But I will be here after. I have to go out of brunch with the boys. All of us old retirees (and I'm the youngest! or maybe second,) are getting together. I have to jump in the shower right now. Luckily it's literally around the corner from my house, so I can walk there. I'll be here after to read and comment on the comments.

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I hope you ask them to subscribe to your stack now that you see them in the flesh!

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May 9Liked by Writer Pilgrim by So Elite

Most of the people I know in real life aren't interested. And the ones that are just come on and read and that's it. Although, to be fair, some of them might have Subscribed/Followed, but under an alias so they can stay in disguise! Haha... 😎

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May 9Liked by Writer Pilgrim by So Elite

Have a good time, Ben 🙏💙

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May 9Liked by Writer Pilgrim by So Elite

Thanks for popping in Ben. Good to see you. Have a great time with the guys! 😎

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We'll miss you! Have fun with the boys!

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May 10Liked by Writer Pilgrim by So Elite

1) I don't know it just hits me whenever. Can be years after. Can be-it appears whole, and I don't do any edits except for those I did when writing maybe. Can be a short thing-or very laborious. Note: result often doesn't show how much time went into it.

2) I don't know it just hits me whenever. I write when I can not to, usually. I do keep a notebook on/in the nightstand in case I'm already in bed(then it's a pain because I don't understand my own handwriting lol).

3) I don't think I'm a writer-I'm thinking a lot though what makes a writer a writer, and I'm yet to arrive to an answer. I don't know, thus, about perceptions-I'm still the one who has the myths... I just find them hard to define right now.

I did notice though that the moment it "leaves" me-it becomes independent, to a degree....real becomes a bit fiction, fiction might become real(the latter doesn't happen often I'm yet to write pure fiction,-unless it's a dream of course). There's something awfully reminding creation...your control over it is frankly limited, more than one would think. You have it-but it has a mind of its own. Of course one can always kill it, but there is preservation in killing as well. Ok..I think I start deviating ...

thank you for these office hours!

wanted to add smth about substack but forgot what

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Very philosophical! Reading ones writing if it’s been done overnight is tricky next to impossible! Love the expression about having the myths. Thank you for thus insight Chen!

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May 10Liked by Writer Pilgrim by So Elite

I think we (those of us writing) become fixated on the label of "The Writer" and we don't realise that it's just that - a label. The myths we carry are irrelevant when we sit down and write. When that "that has a mind of its own" takes over and words spill out, does "that" cares to call itself a writer?

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Very philosophical question. Yes the writing has a mind of its own and it's best to allow it to come out in the way it needs to. But it is important to call yourself a writer, it gives guidance, direction... I think. It's a definition, but not exclusive, just one of the hats you wear.

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May 10Liked by Writer Pilgrim by So Elite

"it is important to call yourself a writer, it gives guidance" - I can't agree with that! But it's tricky sometimes to find the balance between the label and the actual writer.

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I am not following. Because I have not thought the writer being a label. Being a creative person, took me a while to accept. Others say it about me, but it took me a while to understand. If the ideas come from another creator, higher above, if you believe that then I can chose to ignore it, or I can write it down. Every thought and idea we express, where does it come from, is it ours? I don't know. Guidance for me means that if a word or idea comes to me, I should write it down, as a writer that's my job. I shouldn't ignore it. I can ignore it. But then am I not neglecting my creativity, or the story that needs to be told? There are other ways to work too. For sure.

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We're talking about different things, now... I think:)

The label I'm talking about is the myth, the 'great writer' that we are scared of, the one to whom we need to prove we can do it. Our own insecurity I would say, or at least my insecurity.

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May 10Liked by Writer Pilgrim by So Elite

it'd be wrong of "that"-it was created, it's not a creator

ok..I'm going to think..))

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May 10Liked by Writer Pilgrim by So Elite

I think... we will never know the true nature of "that".

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We won't? Or we don't want to know? :) hahahhaaha

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May 10Liked by Writer Pilgrim by So Elite

Or we can't?

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Hmmm good points, this is philosophical.

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May 9Liked by Writer Pilgrim by So Elite

Been missing from a few of these but I'm back and ready to bombard everyone's notification bell!

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And loved that poem with the food you published this week! Wow!

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May 9Liked by Writer Pilgrim by So Elite

Thanks! It was something that I had in the drafts for a while so was happy to finally get it out into the ether.

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It was very cinematic, very good!

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Great to have you back!

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May 10Liked by Writer Pilgrim by So Elite

Haha! Yes, I do love Thursdays. My Notifications come to life and go crazy! In a good way! 😎

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May 9Liked by Writer Pilgrim by So Elite

Sorry I wasn't able to stop in today. Work has been absolutely crazy. Fingers crossed for next week.

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You're here! Thank you for stopping by to say hello! Hope all is well and see you next week.

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May 9Liked by Writer Pilgrim by So Elite


Apologies for being late. I had some things to finish which took more time.

Up early today but had a free online yoga masterclass which puts me in a reflective mood.

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Yoga class, nice! How are you? All your friends who've been unwell?

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May 9Liked by Writer Pilgrim by So Elite

The friend with a stroke went to another hospital for better rehab therapy.

The other two are about the same.

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Sending prayers and well wishes to them all! Strength and courage to you.

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May 9Liked by Writer Pilgrim by So Elite

Thanks, Pilgrim

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May 9Liked by Writer Pilgrim by So Elite

How dreadful. Hope things are looking brighter for them soon... 😎

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May 9Liked by Writer Pilgrim by So Elite

Thanks, Chris. Hope so, too.

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May 9Liked by Writer Pilgrim by So Elite

Hi Joyce! Good to see you back here... 😎

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May 9Liked by Writer Pilgrim by So Elite

Hi Chris!

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Random question Joyce.... Have you ever made hispi cabbage?

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May 9Liked by Writer Pilgrim by So Elite

Haha! It wouldn't be 'Office Hours' without some food talk... 😎

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No, especially as we missed it the last couple of times!

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May 9Liked by Writer Pilgrim by So Elite

O humbly apologise!

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May 9Liked by Writer Pilgrim by So Elite

Hispi cabbage, had to look for that, no, I never have. It’s usually red cabbage the way my Mama cooked it, with two diced apples and some oatmeal.

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Never had that dish! Hispi cabbage is wedged pointy cabbage grilled. Making it with some sauce and then to go with bulgur. Let's see if it's something to write home about.

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May 9Liked by Writer Pilgrim by So Elite

Wow, grilled cabbage. Which allows the edge of each layer to char or caramelise, apparently, as the dressing permeates the whole cabbage through the gaps in the leaves. This is turning into 'Masterchef Hours'! Haha... 😎

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May 9Liked by Writer Pilgrim by So Elite

Hi everyone!

So this week I've been contininig to explore Flash Fiction/Micro Fiction a lot more, and have managed to get a first themed volume of stories up on my page. It's done really well so far and the response has been great, so it is looking like, for me at least, Flash is the future! Haha.

You can find it here if you'd like to see it: https://chrisjfranklin.substack.com/p/flash-fiction-volume-one

What have you all been up to? 😎

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I keeping up with everyone's May challenge song title poetry submissions daily and having a blast. Really inspired. Been doing writing and had a lovely collaboration with Words in Bloom. Also got a cold in time for the sunny weather! Yes I did see your series of flash fiction! Impressive work and you have some great song title fiction each day too!

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May 9·edited May 9Liked by Writer Pilgrim by So Elite

Thank you! That is very kind. I've been really enjoying taking part. It's such a great group of people, and such a fun idea. I saw your collaboration, too, and I did mean to Comment on it. It was lovely and I'll go back later to put something. That seems to work really well where you've got the mix of art and poetry and it was a really nice blend of the two poetry styles as well... 😎

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It's so much fun and rewarding having those conversations and creative stuff going between people! Btw how is our collab of five going? I have not heard back. Strike while iron is hot remember?

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May 9Liked by Writer Pilgrim by So Elite

That is very true. But I thought I'd give you time to run your Workshops first, and also Joyce had her sad news she was dealing with, so I felt it was probably best to wait. But I'm ready whenever everyone else is... 😎

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Let's get started if Joyce is up for it! I think I just saw her come in here!

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May 9Liked by Writer Pilgrim by So Elite

Well things were already starting to take shape before all that happened, so we should be able to get started fairly quickly... 😎

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I should not have mentioned cats… my young Mau just draped his 10kg across my lap, making it very hard to type on my phone.

I think I’d better leave you here. See you next week!

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Bye Joyce! See you next time... 😎

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