Jun 27Liked by Writer Pilgrim by So Elite

He sat there looking out the window and sipping coffee. He drank the same, each day. Black coffee with cold milk. It was the drink of someone who knew how to disappear. To melt into wallpaper or the carpet underfoot. He was sat in a corner, between the window and the wall. I liked that seat too. You could survey the whole room without anyone noticing you were surveying the whole room. You could hear what coffee people ordered. You could observe, unobtrusively. Which he normally did, or so I believed. But today he was looking out the window instead.

We had never spoken much beyond the interaction that was required when ordering coffee. And yet I liked him. Perhaps even, that was why I liked him. I'm a shy person but I am also a quiet person. Those are two different things. Shyness warms up, in places and with people that are familiar. Quiet people, tend to be quiet by disposition.

Sometimes, when he opened his wallet to reach for his debit card, I would see a passport photo of a child, perhaps four years old. I never saw him with a child, or with anyone for that matter, which struck me as odd, but was another thing that endeared me to him. He didn't say much, but when he did speak, he was softly spoken, with a low, steady voice. One time, a colleague of mine brought him a cappuccino by mistake. He didn't say anything. Just drank it, albeit more slowly than usual. That was the day I realised I like him. That was when I realised he was shy too.

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Jun 26Liked by Writer Pilgrim by So Elite

The Flutter

It caught his eye

A fluttering sound

A swerve of white

While sitting

sipping coffee

He watched

A white bird of plastic

Surreal to the eye

Caught by the wind

On the pavement out side

Carry itself

Higher and higher

While sipping coffee

He noticed

Such a strange species

A seagull perhaps

Not made of origami

But a shoppers bag


Into the wild

The fluttering folds


In search of a branch

Or a roof top

Of slate

To rest

And search



He thought

Strange bird

Strange world

Where have all

The real birds gone

Another sip

He twists his wrist

looks at his watch

The time for him too

To slowly move on



Soft white linen

On this hot

summers day

Wednesday June 26


He sat there looking out the window and sipping coffee…

For writers pilgrim workshop by Lucinda Sieger time 08.09am

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Fluttering folds, birds all from a man having a sip of coffee. Amazing stuff. This piece takes 1/3 in and goes from strength to strength with the imagery and symbolism.

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