Sep 17Liked by Writer Pilgrim by So Elite

Just Desserts

“OK, why do you think you read the dessert part of the menu first?”

“Well, maybe that’s how the ancient Hebrew scholars would do it, back to front.”


“Maybe it’s like how I read the paper, sports page first.”

“Not sure it’s that.”

“Maybe I’m just a nonconformist who doesn’t like to follow society’s linear conventions.”

“Is that so bad?”

“Maybe I want to check if I need to preorder the soufflé because it takes thirty minutes to prepare.”

“I’m not sure it’s that either. Look, my son, if this is the worst thing you have to confess you are doing pretty well. I’m not sure if this is a sin at all. Actually, I think it’s a good thing to focus first on the rich treats to come in the afterlife rather than just the everyday humdrum main course of regular life in this world. Let's say you do two Hail Marys for the sin of impatience but also two scoops of Rocky Road.”


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What a treat! I was not expecting this at all! Smiles all the way. Social commentary, dessert and a fun read! Thank you Scott!

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Sep 17Liked by Writer Pilgrim by So Elite

Very kind as always thx for great prompt and stewardship!

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