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Herding Cats

“Look at him down there scribbling away.”

“We think his work is quite wonderful. Short yes but entertaining. Like a good fortune cookie.”

“You would say that being his parents and all but I quite agree he is superb.”

“Of course as his parents we influence him but who is that speaking? Sounds so loud but somewhat distant.”

“Oh that’s his Ego. Too big to fit in the room so shouts his outsized bluster from outside.”

“Let me remind everyone of my overarching influence.”

“Yes of course, God, it goes without saying, but you don’t get nearly the number of likes and restacks as you used to.”

“Don’t forget us we have tried hard to mold him.”

“Who is that, that sounds quite faint.”

“Oh those are Litmags, yes they are losing sway with self publishing and other platforms available.”

“Still, I think some of them know what they are doing.”

“Yes, the handful who have accepted some of his drivel yes thank you Ego we get it.”

“Maybe he can get an agent?”

“Who is that old guy with the pickle ball racket?”

“That’s Ambition. I thought he was retired.”

“Why is that guy in the old-timey hat wrestling that dude in the trench coat and fedora?”

“That’s O. Henry and Raymond Chandler. They are trying to settle which he is trying to copy more.”


“I hear a warm comforting hum. Very supportive.”

“That’s other Substack fiction writers.”

“What is that gorgeous noise? Singing. Soaring, Inspirational.”

“That is Joy. Seems to be getting louder. I think she is going to win again.”

“Does it really have to be just one of us. I mean can’t it be one of those “it-takes-a-village” things.”

“The prompt seems to allow some leeway.”

“Sorry I can’t hear you, Joy seems to be drowning us all out, again.”

“Well, I must say Lord she is one of your better creations.”

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