

Catching the butterfly

The rolling people

Slide away


All in the mind

Beautiful mind

Already there

One day

Gravity grave

Rather be

On your own

So it goes

The sun, the sea

Life’s an ocean

Bittersweet symphony

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May 22Liked by Writer Pilgrim by So Elite

"Don't sound like no sonnet" but I love it!!!

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It’s great when a song’s line gives you the answer too! Thank you Fotini!

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May 22Liked by Writer Pilgrim by So Elite


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May 22Liked by Writer Pilgrim by So Elite

Love the way it wraps up - stellar final lines!

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Thank you!

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May 22Liked by Writer Pilgrim by So Elite

Always a pleasure. :-)

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That last verse sits beautifully just by itself.

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Thank you! I had them in stanzas but as you see lines are lumped together!

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May 22Liked by Writer Pilgrim by So Elite

That is a great ending, for sure... 😎

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Aw thank you Chris. It was between that or So it goes. But I chose Bittersweet symphony.

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May 23Liked by Writer Pilgrim by So Elite

This is excellent! I’v missed reading and writing these!

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Join at any time Rod. You can go back even and fill the rest. I've opened the paywall so all the May challenge song titles are free and available. You've been busy so no worries! Feel free to join at any point.

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May 23Liked by Writer Pilgrim by So Elite


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May 21Liked by Writer Pilgrim by So Elite


Just saw it now

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You can join in the remaining letters, and you can also go back and do the previous ones. Up to you! Look forward to reading your piece.

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May 22Liked by Writer Pilgrim by So Elite

I’m a quite shy person 😇

I’ll go back and check it

Thank you

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Made to be a poet then!

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May 22Liked by Writer Pilgrim by So Elite


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May 21Liked by Writer Pilgrim by So Elite


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May 22Liked by Writer Pilgrim by So Elite

Plus hard to focus in English

I’ll do my best to make some

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May 22Liked by Writer Pilgrim by So Elite

That's okay. This is a really friendly and supportive group. You're very welcome to put something here if you'd like to. We'd love to read it... 😎

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Write in the language you feel comfortable then. Would love to see another language. Besides, poetry sometimes is fairly cryptic and some of titles allow for many interpretations.

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May 22Liked by Writer Pilgrim by So Elite

I agree with @Writer Pilgrim and Chris. Voices and words are beautiful in other languages. I'd love to read your native language verse/prose here. Have read a couple of your posts and I think they are stunning. My Portuguese isn't great, but I speak Spanish, so I can quite easily grasp the ideas, and I was immediately captured.

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I'm just saying George Michael did a few songs in Portuguese and they were sounding great to me. You don't always need to get everything, we're not signing a contract! :)

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May 22Liked by Writer Pilgrim by So Elite

Inspired by Van Halen's "Runnin' with the Devil"


In the twilight's glimmer, she danced with grace,

"Runnin' with the Devil" in her husky embrace.

Smoke spiraled from her lips, a captivating sight,

Tendrils curling, fingers stretching through the night.

Her ember eyes held stories of whiskey dreams,

Wild youth untamed, forever on sin's seams.

Age wore like a badge, a testament to time,

Each line a tribute to the years she made prime.

In the smoky haze, her gravel voice enticed,

Leading to forbidden fruit, a path so spiced.

Time lost its edge, only the night's song remained,

Her laughter, a flame under my skin, unrestrained.

A storm in silk, she kissed like revelation,

Each cigarette smoked, a last sermon's oration.

I, a mere shadow in her incandescent light,

Lingered on every word, as if it were divine rite.

Now, apart and years gone, her mischief echoes still,

A record stuck on the best part, a haunting thrill.

Did the Devil catch her, or is he, like me,

Still caught in the chase, forever wild and free?

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May 22Liked by Writer Pilgrim by So Elite

Just wonderful. Really vivid descriptions and a great story... 😎

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I like how you captured the importance and the feeling of smoking for smokers. I could relate even if I don't smoke. Very vivid poetry, rich in imagery Gloria! Thank you!

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May 22Liked by Writer Pilgrim by So Elite


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May 22Liked by Writer Pilgrim by So Elite

Always wild, Gloria!!!

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May 22Liked by Writer Pilgrim by So Elite

Thank you.

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May 22Liked by Writer Pilgrim by So Elite

So today I did Velvet Underground - but then got carried away and did ones for Lou Reed, John Cale, and Nico as well. So this is like a Velvet Underground deluxe package!!!! :-)



-: Sun Song: For the Velvet Underground :-



Who loves the sun


Run run run—

Ride into the sun!



I'll be your mirror.



-: Songs Without Words I: For John Cale :-


Days of steam,


Face to the sky

The philosopher

Dying on the vine—


The academy in peril,


Big white cloud

You know more than I know.



-: Songs Without Words II: For John Cale :-


Song of the valley

Story of blood,


The endless plain of fortune

Sets me free—


Laughing in my sleep

There will be no river.



-: Sad Song: For Lou Reed :-


How do you think it feels?


On my drum,


All through the night—


High in the city,

The bells




-: Winter Song: For Nico :-


Evening of light

My heart is empty—




A feather


Facing the wind.




Proper pagination: https://substack.com/@publicdomainpoets/note/c-56977269 <3

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May 22Liked by Writer Pilgrim by So Elite

Haha! I did them, too. Great choice... 😎

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May 22Liked by Writer Pilgrim by So Elite

Great minds! Haha.

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May 22Liked by Writer Pilgrim by So Elite

Where do I get the box set?

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May 22Liked by Writer Pilgrim by So Elite


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May 22Liked by Writer Pilgrim by So Elite

Seriously now, every song "you composed" is great, Dick.

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May 22Liked by Writer Pilgrim by So Elite

Aw thanks so much Fotini - means a whole bunch! And in all seriousness, I do have some vague plans for these poems - but first, four letters to go! :-)

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May 22Liked by Writer Pilgrim by So Elite

That's definitely a good idea to do something with them. We should probably all do that. Some of the work here is so fantastic, it deserves to be seen more widely... 😎

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May 22Liked by Writer Pilgrim by So Elite

Definitely, agree 100%! Hopefully once the month is over, we'll start seeing them resurface.

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May 22Liked by Writer Pilgrim by So Elite


It was meant to be a fun trip.

An experience weekend, taking place at a grand mansion overlooking THE OCEAN. Not one of those NEW AGE Escape Rooms, but a proper 'whodunit', where you had to solve THE MURDER MYSTERY.

We were going to be like 'Charlie's Angels'. CAROLINE, LOUISE and I.

"WE'RE GONNA HAVE A REAL GOOD TIME TOGETHER", we said, as we set off, determined to use it as a chance to rebuild the closeness we'd had in college, before life got in the way.

When we arrived, the little gardener was already laying on the lawn, by a rose bush, in a pool of blood that matched the flowers. It all looked very realistic, and we started imagining he had been killed by some FEMME FATALE, as we went off eagerly looking for clues.

But suddenly, we heard sirens, and people were running from the house waving their arms and screaming.

This wasn't part of the game.

They said it was probably a large COYOTE that did it.

And it was still on the loose... 😎

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May 22Liked by Writer Pilgrim by So Elite

Also, if you enjoy short Fiction like this, I've just put a new one up on my page. It's a fun little gangster story called 'The Informant'. I'd really appreciate a few extra reads... 😎

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May 22Liked by Writer Pilgrim by So Elite

I love the way you twist things at the end, Chris!

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May 22Liked by Writer Pilgrim by So Elite

Thanks! I do love a twist, if I can squeeze one in somewhere. I'm glad you enjoyed it... 😎

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Brilliant… scary and velvet underground in a new light! Thanks Chris!

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May 22Liked by Writer Pilgrim by So Elite

Thanks! This was a really fun one to work on. Because I just took the song 'The Murder Mystery', and went with it as a Prompt. Glad you enjoyed it... 😎

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May 22Liked by Writer Pilgrim by So Elite

The nerd in me wants to point out that coyotes don't attack people - please don't attack the nerd... she knows the meaning of "poetic licence" :)

This is great, Chris!!!

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Hahahahahhahaha the story police! Good point. Chris you know what this means. Part two to rectify!

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May 22Liked by Writer Pilgrim by So Elite

Story Police! Haha. To be fair, there have been some documented fatalities involving children, and very occasional attacks on adults. In the same way there's been attacks by dogs, which are a simliar size, that have also caused fatalities. Animals can be unpredictable, and you do get the odd one or two that go rogue. But yes, I guess they did say it was 'probably' a coyote, so maybe it wasn't. Maybe something else more sinister occurred... 😎

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Will we find out?

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May 22Liked by Writer Pilgrim by So Elite

Haha! I may have to revisit this one more and expand it. It does seem to be an ideal set up for something longer and there's definitely some interesting possibilties there I hadn't thought of... 😎

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May 22Liked by Writer Pilgrim by So Elite

Yes, that part is a bit problematic, but the song title they had was 'Coyote' so I had to go with it! Haha. There have been a few documented fatalities involving coyotes, but they were children. So that's why I made the gardener small and the coyote large, so it at least 'could' potentially happen. But yes, a bit of poetic license there, for sure. Glad you enjoyed it, though... 😎

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I think you’ve given yourself a way to continue the story. I don’t see a problem with this. The investigator caught them out red handed, lying! Whodunnit then? Or poetic license. See what takes your fancy. I had no idea about the Coyote specifics.

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May 22Liked by Writer Pilgrim by So Elite

Yes! It was story they tried to concoct, as a sort of spur of the moment thing to cover up what really happened. Now you're talking. That's very exciting and a lovely interpretation... 😎

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May 22Liked by Writer Pilgrim by So Elite

Poor pool guy :(

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Yeah, poor guy. He was just trying to do an honest day's work... 😎

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Also, you might enjoy my new fun gangster story I just put up on my page. An extra view would be much appreciated! 😎 https://chrisjfranklin.substack.com/p/the-informant

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May 22·edited May 22Liked by Writer Pilgrim by So Elite

Vic Chesnutt


Sad Peter Pan

Naughty fatalist

Flirted with you all my life


When the bottom fell out

We hovered with short wings


Come into my world

Teddy bear


Everything I say

To be with you

Free of hope

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May 22Liked by Writer Pilgrim by So Elite

Very nice! He's another one I will have to look up and find out more about... 😎

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May 22Liked by Writer Pilgrim by So Elite

Thanks, Chris! He’s great. A sad life, though, full of pain.

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May 22Liked by Writer Pilgrim by So Elite

Yes, I was just reading about that. Another one who died young. What a shame... 😎

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May 22Liked by Writer Pilgrim by So Elite

Nice - I had completely forgotten about Vic Chestnut! Great work with the titles here. Love this phrase: When the bottom fell out / We hovered with short wings! Stunning. :-)

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May 22Liked by Writer Pilgrim by So Elite

Thanks, Dick. The pairing just clicked. I've revisited him myself with this challenge. He shouldn't be forgotten!

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Teddy bear and Peter Pan and the saddest of the poems today. Very powerful man of aran.

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May 22Liked by Writer Pilgrim by So Elite

Fitting for his life, thanks, Writer!

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May 22Liked by Writer Pilgrim by So Elite

A sad poem for a lost boy, how fitting. This is great, man!

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May 22Liked by Writer Pilgrim by So Elite

Thank you, Fotini! So glad you like it.

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May 22·edited May 22Liked by Writer Pilgrim by So Elite

For V day went off on a language wander this morning after the chat here.

There's a translation in the comments, but I think it's lovely to see/read/hear other words, even in languages we don't fully understand, and just let them wash over us.


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May 22Liked by Writer Pilgrim by So Elite

So Duane Toops mentioned Van Morrison on a comment thread and I couldn't help myself, so ended up writing a second set for "V" around Van's tunes. Cheeky I know! Haha.


-: Songs For Van Morrison :-


I. Autumn Song


Here comes the night

Rolling hills,


When that sun goes down

Fire in its belly,

Hungry for your love——


I will be there

Down by the riverside.



II. Only A Song


Look beyond the hill,


In the forest

A redwood tree

Born to sing——


Every time I see a river

The prophet speaks:


“Dweller of the threshold,

Share your love

With me.”



III. Dusk Prayer


In the garden

Across the bridge where

Angels dwell,


In search of grace

Behind the ritual——


More and more

Evening shadows.



IV. Healing Song


Keep me singing,


And the healing

Has begun——


Let it rhyme:


Till we get

The healing done.



V. Hymns to the Silence


If we wait for mountains

In the evening

When the sun goes down,




So quiet in here

It fills you up.





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May 22Liked by Writer Pilgrim by So Elite

You're outpouring today, Dick, way to go!!!

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May 22Liked by Writer Pilgrim by So Elite

Hehe - thaaaanks! Looking forward to tomorrow. :-)

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Yes, blame Duane for these creativity bursts! Lovely tribute for Van the man!

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May 22Liked by Writer Pilgrim by So Elite

😂 Yeah - damn you Duane! Stop being so inspiring.

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May 22Liked by Writer Pilgrim by So Elite

No stopping you today. I attempted Van The Man but he was too much for me to take on.

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May 22Liked by Writer Pilgrim by So Elite

Riiiiight? He has so many songs - took me quite a while to sift through all the albums.

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May 22Liked by Writer Pilgrim by So Elite

Beautiful. Love Van Morrison. 'Astral Weeks', what a masterpiece. 'Beside You' is just stunning. Very few people can write like that... 😎

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May 22Liked by Writer Pilgrim by So Elite

Yeah he had a golden moment there, which lasted quite a few years!

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May 22·edited May 22Liked by Writer Pilgrim by So Elite

Vintage Trouble


Another Man’s Words


Before the tear drops

The love that once lingered

Still and always will

Run like the river

From my arms



World’s Gonna Have to Take a Turn Around, the last song on this video requires the raising of the volume and of course some accompanying clap hand!


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"Run ... from my arms" what gorgeous lines you put together. Great song you linked us up with. Here comes trouble. Beautiful! Thank you Fotini.

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May 22Liked by Writer Pilgrim by So Elite

And now I can't stop humming it...

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May 22·edited May 22Liked by Writer Pilgrim by So Elite

Succinct and poetic. Don't know this band, but will check em out.

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May 22Liked by Writer Pilgrim by So Elite

Dammm - this is exquisite! Not sure if it was written in the field of tanka - but it would go down a treat in any of the English-language tanka journals!

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May 23Liked by Writer Pilgrim by So Elite

Oh, what a compliment! Thank you, Dick!

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May 22Liked by Writer Pilgrim by So Elite



Punctuation Infatuation


Oxford comma stranger

Unbearable white hope

We belong together


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I'm gonna steal your line! Seen them live, interviewed them and got their CD! Hahahahaha I was thinking of doing them but thought I'd better do another band. Wasn't expecting anyone to bring them up and so glad you did!

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No way! so cool that you got to interview them. Are they complete stoners? I haven't seen them live. You win today, haha.

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They were young, intelligent and it was a small gig. I haven't heard of them after the first 2 albums. They were cool kids really! I didn't get to know them that well.

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May 22Liked by Writer Pilgrim by So Elite

Ahh, that's a very interesting one. This one was great, fantastic, and excellent. Yay! Oxford comma... 😎

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May 22Liked by Writer Pilgrim by So Elite

What's more romantic than a comma and the blank space potential that follows. Not even sure if I use them correctly.

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May 23Liked by Writer Pilgrim by So Elite

Yes, it's a style choice really. And it's correct with or without. It can just make things look nicer or create a beat, if you feel one is needed. That's how I use commas. Oxford or otherwise. But then, I break the rules all the time! Haha... 😎

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May 23Liked by Writer Pilgrim by So Elite

Love this, Treasa!

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May 23Liked by Writer Pilgrim by So Elite

Mine are getting shorter the closer we're getting to the finish line!

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May 23Liked by Writer Pilgrim by So Elite

You're still here, aren't you?

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May 23Liked by Writer Pilgrim by So Elite

Yep, I'm stubborn like that :)

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May 23Liked by Writer Pilgrim by So Elite

Good for you and for us :)

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You're perfecting your skill Treasa! Why use so many words when you can say what you need in a few lines?

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May 22Liked by Writer Pilgrim by So Elite


These small town blues

are making me stay

I can't be a part of it

can't get a start on it

New York New York

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Welcome Richard and thank you for your contribution!

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Jun 1Liked by Writer Pilgrim by So Elite

Van Morrison


Sweet thing,


these dreams of you

when that evening sun goes down

come running

into the mystic

hymns to the silence,

the eternal Kansas City

brand new day,

crazy love,

and it stoned me

hungry for your love —

I wanna roo you,


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